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October 22, 2021

140 or 51? Who are the 140 funeral service providers?

In a Straits Times article, “Funerals for Covid-19 deaths more complex, say funeral service providers", dated 21 October 2021, the National Environmental Agency (NEA) told ST that only funeral service providers whose staff have undergone the Basic Infection Control Course (BICC) can collect, casket and transport the remains of Covid-19 cases”

According to NEA, since the start of 2020, more than 140 funeral service providers have undergone the course, up from 89 in December 2019. 

On NEA’s website, it is stated that “hospitals will provide the next-of-kin of the deceased with the list of funeral services companies that are qualified to handle bodies infected with COVID-19.

On 20 October 2021, Death Kopitiam received a list stating the names of 51 funeral service providers that “are able to handle bodies suspected/confirmed to be infected with Covid-19” from a local funeral director. This list is not dated, though it was stated that this list was “updated as at 11 May 2020". 

"Updated as at 11 May 2020"

Source: Provided by a local funeral director to Death Kopitiam on 20 October 2021

This two-page list, according to the funeral director, was allegedly given to the family members of a Covid-19 deceased at a local hospital two weeks ago in early October 2021.

We also note that at least two of the entities on the list , according to ACRA, are "terminated" or "ceased registration". They are entities listed number 27 and 30 on the list: Pengurusan Jenazah Sinaran Baharu and Pinnacle One Stop Funeral Services - both entities appears to be sole proprietorships.


There are a few questions of public interest here:

  • Why are bereaved family members given a list by a local hospital that appears to be last updated in May 2020?

  • NEA informed the Straits Times on 21 October 2021 that by December 2019, 89 funeral service providers had undergone BICC, and at "the start of 2020", this number has increased to 140. However, the list, which appears to be last updated in May 2020, shows only 51 providers who are able to handle bodies suspected/confirmed to be infected with Covid-19. How many companies are able [& qualified] to handle Covid-19 cases?

  • Does the present list of 140 funeral service providers contain the above two non-active entities, Pengurusan Jenazah Sinaran Baharu and Pinnacle One Stop Funeral Services?

  • What are the names of the 140 funeral service providers? Given that Singaporeans are learning to live in an Covid-endemic nation, shouldn’t such information be made publicly available, and regularly updated?

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Death Kopitiam Singapore's tribute to Mdm Leong Yuet Meng, founder of Nam Seng Wanton Noodles
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Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post are that of Death Kopitiam Singapore alone. We are not acting or speaking for any organisations or persons who may be for or against the death penalty. We hope to hear your views on this matter, and may we may find some form of consensus on this matter, however difficult it may be. Thank you.
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